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AP Test Review Materials
Click above to access any free response given dating back to 2000. Start by reviewing the most recent free responses. They will be more similar to what you can expect in 2017's free responses. Any year's free response written/completed and handed in is worth 5 points extra credit (5 points = 2 written free responses)
The link above has dived content areas for the AP Psych. exam. Select the content area you'd like to review. Each content area practice test will be graded at the end for feedback. These tests are NOT written directly based off College Board's content guidelines. They are still however, great resources for study prep.
An A.P. Psychology Quizlit is already created. You can use simple flash cards or play other games associated with review for the test. The match game and gravity game have been some games students have enjoyed playing that are a little different than traditional flash cards.
The course notes site provides concise summaries from your AP Psych classroom textbook. It's a great place to start your review. There are also practice quizzes provided through the site too.
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